
Hi, I’m Traci.

I’m glad you stopped by so I could tell you that you were intended to live fully and joyfully. It's time to take control of your life and live the life you always wanted.

4-Day Weekend - Memorial Day 2021

4-Day Weekend - Memorial Day 2021

This week was the kind of week that had me rushing to turn on my out of office message.

Because the company I work for gave us an extra day off for the Memorial Day holiday, I get a 4-day weekend. They also gave us a small stipend to spend on something fun or relaxing.

I intend to take FULL advantage, starting with one of ways I like to wind down in the evenings: sitting outside, watching the sun in the western sky, listening to music, sipping a cocktail (tequila + Grand Marnier + lime), and feeling the waves of joy and gratitude wash over me.

Saturday Sips | 7 Ways to Enjoy Tercet Cognac

Saturday Sips | 7 Ways to Enjoy Tercet Cognac

Life and Death

Life and Death