
Hi, I’m Traci.

I’m glad you stopped by so I could tell you that you were intended to live fully and joyfully. It's time to take control of your life and live the life you always wanted.

Safety Tips for Solo GenX Travelers

Safety Tips for Solo GenX Travelers

I'm a GenXer who loves to travel. Whenever I'm on the road, safety is always top of mind. When I'm traveling solo, these are the extra safety precautions that I take:

Go with a guide

Seeing the city through the eyes of a local tour guide is one of my favorite ways to get to know a new city. The popularity of using private and group tours feed the adage of there's safety in numbers. I look for tours that take me into areas that I would not have otherwise ventured into if I were alone.

Follow the crowd

When I travel, I aim for luxury and you'll rarely find me going off the beaten path. I'm not an adventurous traveler and I like to take things slow which means it's easy for me to stick to touristy areas. Even if you prefer a more local or budget experience, following the crowd is still a good idea. If an area is deserted, it's probably for a reason.

Share your travel plans

Whether you're a pre-planner like me and only travel with a detailed itinerary or you're more of a spur-of-the-moment decider, someone should always know what your plans are for the day. If I'm out sightseeing, leave a printed copy of my daily itinerary in my room or in my luggage. I also check in with someone back home regularly.

Look for safe places

If I'm out walking and get lost, I find a hotel or cafe to step into. I've often found friendly workers inside who offer to help. At very least, I'm in a safe place to get my bearings. I try to avoid standing on the street looking lost or with my head buried in my phone.

Trust your gut

Trusting your judgement is the best safety tip of all. Don't ignore your instincts if they are telling you something is wrong. Even if you think you're being rude, it's best to err on the side of caution. Remove yourself immediately from any situation that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Brunch at Vana - South End

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A BOOtiful Gathering - Halloween 2022

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