
Hi, I’m Traci.

I’m glad you stopped by so I could tell you that you were intended to live fully and joyfully. It's time to take control of your life and live the life you always wanted.

Leadership Lessons

Leadership Lessons

What makes a good leader? Ask 100 people, and you'll likely get 100 different answers. While most of those answers will focus on the what or the how of leadership, few will focus on the who -- the person acting in the role of a leader.

Despite all the many variations and versions of leaders the one thing that ALL leaders share, is that we're all human. All leaders are people, first. So as I think of what kind of leader I want to be, I'm really asking myself what kind of person do I want to be -- because they're one in the same.

As a leader responsibilities, goals, challenges, and priorities will always be shifting. The one constant will be me. The one thing I can control is me.

Being a good leader starts with me.

Sweaterweather Cocktail Mix

Sweaterweather Cocktail Mix

The Outdoorsy Type

The Outdoorsy Type